Business Laws and Regulations in Dubai, UAE
Dr Hassan Elhais takes a look at the efficient licensing mechanisms and infrastructure that make the UAE very favourable to international businesses.
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Dubai +971 4 325 4000
Abu Dhabi+971 2 650 1211
Dubai +971 4 325 4000
Abu Dhabi+971 2 650 1211
Dubai +971 4 325 4000
Abu Dhabi+971 2 650 1211
Dubai +971 4 325 4000
Abu Dhabi+971 2 650 1211
Dr Hassan Elhais takes a look at the efficient licensing mechanisms and infrastructure that make the UAE very favourable to international businesses.
Dr Hassan Elhais explains the manner and terms of appointment for a manager of a limited liability company in the country.
Dr Hassan Elhais explores the range of options available to businesses in order to both avoid infringing on the trademarks of other businesses, and ensure a business’s own trademark is free from infringement.
Dr Hassan Elhais outlines the debate that exists around trademark ownership and how the first usage may at times triumph over registration in the battle for trademark ownership.
Dr Hassan Elhais gives a basic introduction to the principles of legal trademarks and how they can be harnessed to help businesses both create and protect their brand.
Dr Hassan Elhais explains the principles of when and why liquidation occurs and how it allows a company to retain the legal capacity for the duration of its dissolution.
Dr Hassan Elhais outlines the legal requirements that must be met for a company to change form from the provisions it was originally incorporated under, within Company Law.
Dr Hassan Elhais details that in order for a new entity to incorporate, the merging companies must adopt a legal resolution to dissolve prior to incorporation.
Dr Hassan Elhais explains one particular situation where a public joint stock or limited liability company may be allowed to dissolve if it loses more than half its capital – though the final decision rests with the General Assembly.
Dr Hassan Elhais explicitly outlines the requirements that must be met by foreign companies seeking to open a legally operational branch or representative office in the UAE.
Dr Hassan Elhais analyses the advantages of setting up offshore companies in the UAE, as well as looking at the rules and limitations of such a setup.
Dr Hassan Elhais explains the UAE commodities market and the rules and laws which regulate financial service brokers.
Dr Hassan Elhais examines the business landscape in Dubai and the best and most cost-effective ways to set up and conduct trade in the city.
Dr Hassan Elhais gives an appraisal of the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone that was established in one of the UAE’s smallest emirates in 2001.
Dr Hassan Elhais gives a summary of the different Dubai Aiport feezones and outlines the activity restrictions on the various licenses.
Dr Hassan Elhais details the way the JLT freezone runs and looks at the value to investors choosing to operate out of this freezone.
Dubai is a well-respected pathway to the East, and since it became a financial hub, companies that engage in all types of business activities are now looking to establish a presence here. Dubai has over ten freezones, which provide international investors.
Dr Hassan Elhais looks at the advantages of setting up a company inside the UAE, given its strategic location and prominence as a global financial hub.